Monday, November 5, 2012

I Look Fly, I Look Good

I have a weird love for random music.  One of my favorites a few years ago (and I still rock it in my car sometimes today) was "I Look Good" by Chalie Boy.  Now, you may be wondering how this coincides to Social Media or Online Reputation, well here goes it.

Perception is EVERYTHING in our world today.  The way you carry yourself, present yourself, and even view yourself is how people will see you.  The 1st impression is honestly the most important part of networking, interviewing, and in  While most people will tell you to have a good suit to give a good impression, I think it goes deeper.

Having confidence in yourself is something that can make anything you wear, stand out.  Believe me when I say that I don't own a suit.  I don't think it fits who I am as a person, it doesn't reflect my personality, nor give the impression that I want people to have about me.  HOWEVER, even though my outfits aren't suits, they are professional and give people a sense of who I am.  I can pair a bright colored blouse with a gray pencil skirt, add a belt and heels .... ta-da, my outfit!

Here you can see an example of what I would piece together ...   The bright color embraces personality while the structured skirt gives a touch of professionalism BUT the item that is rocked the best is her smile!  This conveys confidence in that "I Look Fly, I Look Good" sense (and yes, I do say this to myself on occasion as reassurance...especially when putting on an outfit for a business event).

You can create outfits that give a professional impression from the clothes you wear already, you just need to know how to put them together and have confidence that you look good.  Believe me, it took me a bit to master this, and I still question my choices at times...but then I just remind myself that "I look fly, I look good".  As a college student and freelancer, I know that budgeting for "professional" attire is hard, so I try to buy basics that I can incorporate into my daily personal/professional life and am comfortable wearing.  

Now, how does "looking good" matter w/social media and online reputation...well, PICTURES SAY A THOUSAND WORDS!  While you'll be meeting people in-person, the pictures taken at the networking event, school function, etc. will most likely always end up online.   Presenting an overall polished look that reflects you as a person will allow others online to see you, form an impression of you, want to get to know you more!

Believe that you look good and you will outshine that person next to you.  Perception is everything, but that doesn't have to include a $500 tailored suit.  You just need to let your personality shine thru with a smile.

And if you need more insight into how to pair clothing together, check out my Pinterest board as I regularly post professional outfits that I find for men/women that are simple. 

Now....for your viewing pleasure (and for me as I get ready for a networking event tonight) ... "I Look Fly, I Look Good" by Chalie Boy.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Who's Who on Your Social Network

How many social networks are you on?  There are plenty out there, like: 

                           Facebook            LinkedIn
                           Twitter            Google+
                           FourSquare            Tumblr
                           Flickr            MySpace
                            and so much more! 

Now, how do you interact with everyone on each of your social networks?  

If you're a small business, then knowing the demographics of the people online should definitely be a priority.  Tailoring your social marketing efforts towards these demographics will hopefully increase your conversion rates and help you understand the importance of knowing your audience.  Here's some insight into the demographics on the a few social networks.

While I enjoy looking at infographics to help me get a broad understanding, I've simplified it down to the top 5 social networks (in the United States) for which small businesses should take notice.  

  • 54% of the American population has a Facebook profile (up 3% from 2011)
    • Avg. of 143 million Americans!!!
    • 1/2 of these users are 45+ and make on average annually $55,000
  • 25% of users check their personal profile page at least 5x daily
  • 47% of population influenced on purchase decision from Facebook
    • In 2011, only 24% said Facebook influenced their buying decision...HUGE INCREASE!

  • 10% of population on Twitter (up 2% from 2011)
    • Avg. of 26 million Americans 
  • 29% of users are using their accounts multiple times daily 
    • This is up 11% from 2011, a SIGNIFICANT increase in usage ... TAKE NOTICE!!
  • INFLUENCERS are on here.  Reach out to influencers to help you spread your brand BUT don't become a spammer! 

  • 60% of users are Female
    • This is NOT TRUE in other countries, example..UK Pinterest users are 56% MALE!
  • 29% are btwn the ages of 35-44
    • Pins should give DIRECT URL to products
  • FASTEST growth of a social networking platform EVER!

(stat info taken from the Chase BIS event with speaker Tim Sanders
  • 67% of users are Male
  • 42% are single
  • 20% are students 
    • Engineers are the 2nd highest occupation
  • In my personal opinion .... jump on this bandwagon now & start building ASAP.  I think this will take off pretty quickly since BUSINESS PAGES have just launched. 

  • 71% of users are most likely to have a 4-year College Degree
  • Average annual income of a LinkedIn user is $109,000
  • Tip ... most businesses don't see the value of LinkedIn for their business.  Depending on your business though, networking can help increase drive and you should utilize this site to drive traffic to your business website.  These users have $$$$$!  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Social Media Evolution

Ana SantellanaDo you remember the first time you interacted online socially?  

Mine was back in 1998, when I received my 1st computer.  I remember getting on AOL chat with my girlfriends during slumber parties and trying to see what guys we knew were online from schools around the area.   Yes, this was the thing to do in jr. high and no one was ever worried about us chatting w/strangers back in that day!  

Today though, Social Media has evolved into a whole new universe.  I attended a Chase Business Insight Seminar recently and had the pleasure to hear Tim Sanders speak on "Win Business Using Social Media" where he talked about the history of Social Media, and it opened my eyes to the entire evolution.

Did you know that Social Media has its roots in the 80's?  Tim Sanders (@SandersSays) talks about Listservs and the evolution of email (it went mainstream in the 90's when the Forward button was added); while also hitting on the transition from online forums and bulletin boards to instant messenger.  

All of these have given birth to what we know now as Social Media.  We now have email in the mainstream, Blogs instead of Online Forums and Bulletin Boards, and Social Networking sites like Twitter/Facebook instead of Instant Messenger…though IM'ing is still used, its not as prevalent anymore.  

I wonder where the next 5-10 years will take us now, seeing as how this evolution has spurred in only a timespan of the last 15-25 years!  

Photo Credit:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life In The Fast Lane

Ana Santellana
Lately I've been attending more networking events, seminars, and marketing forums.  Attending each has broadened my insight into different variables dealing with Social Media Marketing.  I have always advocated the need for attending these events but I've never packed more than two in a month but the past month I've attended five…read it FIVE!  I'm still putting together all of my notes and brainstorming on more blog posts but I just wanted to let everyone know to be ready for some great information regarding:
  • Who's Who on Social Networking Sites
  • The History of Social Media
  • Networking, Networking, and more Networking (it's a recurring theme as you can tell)
  • Managing Your Reputation
  • Tim Sanders
    Photo Credit to @carrielayne
  • and much more!  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

North Texas Giving Day…A Project Turns Personal.

As most of you know, I'm a Senior Marketing student at The University of Texas-Dallas.  In one of the classes I'm taking this semester, a project was assigned to work with a non-profit in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex for North Texas Giving Day.  I would be working with Volunteers of America - Texas on building their Social Media presence to promote the event.

Knowing nothing about the organization, I dove right in on researching them.  I Googled, I Facebooked, I did a Twitter search, I even went to LinkedIn and sent a connection request to the CEO/President as I had her business card.  Realizing early on that they lacked a presence on social networking platforms, I knew my work would be cut out for me.  So,  I spent a few days reading and researching.  

One of the programs that stuck with me was their commitment to programs that offer substance abuse counseling for people after they leave prison.  For most, this wouldn't be a program that they'd relate to but for me, this struck a chord.  My dad, who passed away 6 years ago this month, was a substance abuse counselor with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and he gave a lot of his time outside of work as a Spanish-speaking counselor. 
What started as a class project now was something more.  I had a connection.  September is always a hard month for me, I was definitely a daddy's girl and this project couldn't have come at a better time.  I feel as though it was meant to be….that maybe my dad had a hand in this somehow.  Giving my time/knowledge of Social Media to VOA-TX let me have a connection with my dad.

So what started as just a normal, everyday individual class project became personal.  It's times like these where I realize that I can make a difference with my skills and actually help in ways I never thought would actually matter.  In that moment, I was giving to something I knew my dad supported himself.

Oh…and by the way, we had a great turnout for North Texas Giving Day…42 donations with over $5000 raised and did I mention that this gets matched!  Go check them out, they have branches across the US and support a variety of programs.


Friday, August 31, 2012

A Fresh Start - Back to School again…

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  If you're like me (a very sad student going back to school) then you're more than likely either back in school already or getting ready to start.  Well, to you, I say "Chin up, a new semester means a new beginning.  A Fresh Start!"

Every new semester I tell myself "this year is going to be better" but we all know how that goes.  My intentions start off great but begin to dwindle around the 9th week.  It happens, we've all been there.  There can be many reasons as to why I slip around this time but I think I've pinpointed the main issue.  Time commitments.

I'm notorious for over-scheduling myself on certain days and then having nothing on others.  My calendar already looks like a hot mess around mid-terms in October, ahem…9th week!  It's only the first week of school and I can feel myself slipping!  So, now its time to take a step-back and re-evaluate.  To do this, I've decided to do the following:

  1. Write down all my responsibilities.
    • School = Priority
    • Work (Social Media Consulting)
    • Work (Mary Kay Indep. Beauty Consultant)
    • Friends/Life = Low man on this totem-pole….womp womp, adios mi amigos.  
  2. Figure out how much free-time (not in school/sleeping/eating/driving/etc.) that I have
    • Oye…not much time here but since my earliest class starts at 1pm, it looks like I'll have to become a morning person.  5am starts here I come! 
    • Apparently waking up early is how the most successful, stay successful!
  3. Find/Rearrange study and work space
    • Apparently my "bed-desk" set-up is not ideal.  I guess the extra room for all my "overflow" will be packed/stored in the garage soon …weekend fun, yay!   
    • Hopefully this article will help me figure out the best set-up. 
  4. Set my GOALS and write them down
    • I'm pretty good at setting goals, but I rarely write them down…on paper.  I'll type them up because I'm at my computer always, so it's just easy; or, just remember them in my jam-packed mind.  
    • It will also help me figure out the path that I need to take to get myself to the ultimate goal.
    • Need more convincing?  Check out this article.
  5. Take it day by day
    • Realizing that each day I have a new chance at a fresh start is something I will have to remember.  Not getting overwhelmed with everything and enjoying the accomplishments I make as the day goes by, will be a goal I write down now.  

So, now that I have my plan set forth…what are you waiting for?  Have you started your re-evaluation?  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Double Dipping: 2 Start-Ups Helping One Another

Question: Are you a start-up entrepreneur?  If so, how many businesses do you own?

If you've read some of my beginning posts, you know that I decided to go freelance with my Social Media/Networking consulting in late Spring 2012 after not having any luck finding a job in Social Media because of me lacking my degree (or being overqualified for an asst. position to a Mktg. dept….ironic, eh).  Well, did I ever mention that I also decided to start my own Mary Kay business too?  If not, oops, I'm an Independent Beauty Consultant, FYI, and about to be a Senior IBC since I have a team of 3!!

Now how does this correlate to the title of this post?  Simple.  As I was starting up with the consulting, I realized that I needed to network A LOT more if I wanted to make any $$.  Yes, I had some professional contacts that gave me great advice and I was able to hone my skills a bit because I have great friends who hired me to advise them and their businesses; yet, I was/am still unknown in a world FULL of Social Media Consultants.  This makes it hard to gain traction and make some money …and we all know money makes the world turn, at least for me it does at least.  So, I came to the conclusion that a part-time job had to be found; on top of staying in school and freelancing.

Looking for a job that would allow me to keep my school schedule (I was taking 12hrs in the Spring and am taking 12 hours this summer) and keep up with my own freelancing was impossible it seemed.  And then it happened.  I went to a Mary Kay Beauty Social on a Thursday night at the end of April and heard how the business was run by individual consultants.
Now, don't get me wrong.  I live in Dallas, Texas…my mom is a former Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, I have friends who are considered "Mary Kay babies", and I've seen the Pink Cadillacs all over town but I was always skeptical.  I remember swearing up and down that I'd NEVER use Mary Kay let alone be a consultant when my mom was running her business.  So, at the end of the night, I was asked if I wanted to join and I said, "I've got to do more research…let me think about it".  I honestly didn't have much intention on doing much research but I went home and did just that, for the next 2 weeks.

As I researched, I read all the negatives (and there are a lot apparently) and studied the way that Independent Beauty Consultants (IBC's) ran their business.  And then BAM! …it was like a lightbulb went off.
I could build a Mary Kay business using Social Networking and bring in money from sales; additionally, I could use my freelancing to help other Mary Kay IBC's to build their business online too!
Ta-Da!!!!  In that instant, I decided "yes" and I signed the agreement the very next day.

Here I am today, almost 3 months later and not only have I built a pretty good business using my Social Media skills but I'm also starting to do 1-on-1 consultations with IBC's and helping them build a business online too.  I'll be running one of our unit's weekly education classes, giving a brief overview on using Social Networking sites while adhering to the MK Guidelines (which I hope will also bring in more consultation appts.) and I'm also looking to expand this education training to other units in the DFW area.

Now who says that you can't have 2 businesses which build on one another?  I double dipped my businesses together and found something that worked for me, while having fun doing it, ironically.

So, I ask again….how many businesses do you own if you're a start-up entrepreneur?  And will you be  brainstorming now to find a 2nd business that you can work in conjunction with the one you already have?  Either way…GOOD LUCK!!

PS.  If you're interested in learning more about the Mary Kay opportunity, contact me at or if you're just interested in the products then you can check out my website at  ….. 15% off your first order, just type "Double Dipping" into the comments section at checkout and I'll send you an updated total.  

Find me on Facebook!!
Find me on Twitter!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Does It Ever End?!?!?!?!?

I've come to the realization that education is not something that you just do in school…unfortunately.

When I decided to go freelance with Social Media strategizing/consulting, I figured that I knew quite a few things and I could easily pick up on anything that I needed to use along the way.  Man, was I wrong.  Not only am I constantly having to scout out information online but I'm also one of those crazies you see asking millions of questions at any networking/meet-up that I can attend.  There's just so much freaking information out there, that I don't know if my brain can hold it all in!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  I actually love learning all the new platforms that come out, testing out all the new concepts/ideas on the clients that are close friends & family (you know, because they're usually a bit more forgiving when I say "oops" and the site we've been working on for hours just disappears), and just being ahead of the masses when it comes to business marketing.  BUT…I never realized I'd be putting in this much work and these types of hours!!

I'm a full-time college student (I feel as though my Sr. year is never-ending itself), a full-time social media consultant, and now a full-time business owner.  So, not only am I having to learn a ton of stuff for my classes (4 classes = 12 hours/wk) but I'm also having to learn new social media skills and how to run a successful Mary Kay business on top of it all.  I've come to the conclusion that my idea of fun must be self-torture.

So here I am, just a lil after 12am on a Thursday night/Friday morning and I'm blogging away about my lack of love for education after spending the past 2 hours doing research/reading articles/finding new people to connect with for my social media part of life; brainstorming marketing ideas, organizing customer orders, and making my goal lists for Mary Kay success; and trying to not think about all the midterms I just finished up over the past 2 weeks with another round of tests coming up in 2 weeks for school…oh and did I mention that I have a weekend full of homework that I'm staring at?

So, yup.  The thought that once you're out of school you'll never have to do homework again….out the window.  I honestly think being an entrepreneur in 2 business ventures is definitely harder than trying to graduate from business school at this point.  What have I gotten myself into and when will I ever have time for a life???  At least I may end up with a successful career though….at least I better with all this crazy hard work and time I'm putting in.  I refuse to fail if I'm having to constantly educate myself like this because I won't let my time be wasted (and I figure with all this knowledge I'm cramming in, I have no reason to fail), right?

And so it continues.  I may be tired, I may be stretching myself thin at times, but at least I'm doing something I love.  I love helping others with social media, I love my Mary Kay business, and I love the fact that I'll be graduating soon with my BS in Marketing from UTD …and if my mom has her way, I'll be working towards my MS right after.  Oh Asian moms and the goals for their children.

PS…if anyone has any tips of tricks they can share for dealing with the overwhelming sense of WTF …it'd be definitely greatly appreciated.  I'm at a loss at how some of you do it!

Image Source: informationoverloadcartoon.jpg

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Online WHAT???

REPUTATION! (also referred to as G-Cred, E-Reputation, etc.)

Yeah, yeah. Most people, outside of the social media world, don't even realize there is such a thing but believe me when I say...welcome to the new age of online EVERYTHING.  Let's just give a brief overview of what Online Reputation is and how you can take control of managing yours.

Online Reputation
One of the BEST definitions I've found comes from an Infographic actually.  I'm a visual learner so I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE when a great infographic comes around.  The infographic states:
"Your online reputation isn't just what you put up online; it's how you put it online, where you put it online, and when you do it! And it is also affected by what others say about you." 

So to put it bluntly, everything you do on the internet = online reputation.  The Facebook status updates, Tweets, sharing of articles/news threads, the sites you visit, where you shop, AND all those horrible pictures/places your friends tag you at make up your reputation.  EX: This blog post I write will go into building my online reputation.

Why Should I Care???
The question I get the most is, "why should I care about what other people think of me online?"  My answer to this ..  perception is reality.   What does this mean?  Well, it means that what people see of you online is what they have to go by to determine your character.
If you're a job seeker, you'll definitely want to care about your online reputation has to say.  Your resume is not the only information taken into consideration anymore; you'll be googled and then every social networking site profile you have will be visited.  Same goes for students in this day of age.  Colleges can determine a students eligibility for scholarships/admission by online reputation because you'll be a representative of the school.
Both are just examples of the people who will want to take their online rep. serious right away, but everyone online should care.  You won't always be in the same place you are right now…the future is unknown but you can take control of your reputation today.

Managing Your Online Reputation…Good or Bad
Google yourself.  What comes up?  Is everything on that first page relevant to you?  Does anything come up at all?

Nothing appears:  Yay!!  Nope…wait a minute…don't get too excited and think you have a good online rep since nothing appears.  Unfortunately this is a really big negative.  You'd be better off having a few results with some "eh" information than nothing at all to be honest.  This is because most people will wonder why you're not online at all…I mean, who isn't online at least somewhat these days?  How are you going to adapt to change in a work environment if you haven't even embraced the online revolution.

Results w/bad information:  The first few pages are filled with pictures of you passed out half naked, around illegal/criminal activities, negative comments about you from a frenemy, your manifesto of how much you hate your ex….then this means you've got a bad online reputation.  Its time to be worried.  These are the things people are seeing that represent you.  They don't see that you've volunteered the past 10 years building homes, that your GPA is a perfect 5.0, or that you're the youngest supervisor in your department.

Results w/relevant information:  Good job!!  You've been building your online credibility, which is a definite positive.  Now does each result directly correlate to you?  Click thru each link and see what people will see, don't just assume it goes to the correct site because it may be a corrupt link.

Now that you know how you're viewed, managing your reputation is key.  If you have a positive reputation, then ensure it stays this way.  If you have a negative reputation then you'll want to fix it.  And if you have no reputation…BUILD ONE NOW!

These are some quick, simple tips on how to make sure you're always building a positive reputation:

  1. Google yourself regularly.  
    • I try to google myself at least 2x a week.  I want to continually make sure what appears on the first page of results is relevant to my personal brand because this is how I grow my business.  If you google me (Ana Santellana) you'll see that 95% of the results generated within the first 10 pages are all relevant to me.
  2. Enhance your Security!
    • What I mean by this is, make sure you have to approve those photo/location tags.  You don't want the world to see that you partied all night at the strip club and ended up puking out the window down the highway.  Yes, maybe your friends may find this hilarious but it doesn't show you're a person I'd want in charge of my financial investments or an athlete representing my school.
    • This can be a hard one for some people (especially if you have no online reputation currently) because it means that you have to be active online.  One of simplest things to do is to consistently update your status on Facebook, LinkedIn, G+, Twitter…wherever you choose to be.  Log in once a day, throw out a positive status update or even share a link to some news article you find interesting, and then you're done.  That's it.  Simple as can be, but it can enhance your presence and build a positive reputation easily.
  4. Have fun with being online. 
    • Everyone thinks to have a good online reputation that you have to be 100% professional.  I disagree.  In my opinion, showing some personality will get your further and help you stand out.  Instagram, Spotify, Tumblr, Blogging sites…these are all places where you can go and be yourself (to an extent) and allow people to get to know you outside of social networks.  I share photos, my playlists, this blog, everything and anything I can because it's what I love.  So what if someone else doesn't love it…I'm letting the world get to know me, where I control whats being seen and I know it's all helping me build a positive online reputation.  

Feel free to ask questions or email me ( if you want further info or follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

Infographic quote (
Cartoon Pic (

Monday, June 18, 2012

Social Networking Platforms 101 - My Top 3

With so many different Social Networking sites online nowadays many people get overwhelmed.  Well, Ana is here to the rescue.  One of the things I ABSOLUTELY LOVE is reading (yes, I'm a bit of a book nerd, don't hate) and so what I've been doing lately is reading up on all the different Social Networking sites out there that actually are useful.  Whether for business or personal use, these Top 3 sites are ones that I recommend every person look a lil bit more into before just tossing it to the side as a "fad".

Note: Many of the you reading this right now probably have a working knowledge of the sites I'm about to mention.  I'm just doing a quick overview for the newbies BUT if you want more information about any of these, just shoot me a message.  I'm more than happy to share my thoughts and even give more info on books to read to learn more.

Social Networks:
1. Facebook

  • Probably one of the more "popular" and "mainstream" of the social networks.
  • Females are the majority user.
  • Age range of most users btwn 45-54 followed by the 25-34 crowd.
  • Average income = $25K-$50K.
  • One of the most appealing things is that its free to join and you can probably find most of your friends/family on here.
  • One of the annoying aspects is the integration with every single app known to mankind right now (I really don't want to play farmville or mafia wars or whatever new game is going on).
  • NOT a good place to find investors.  More of a share your pictures/status updates/plan a party type of medium.
2. LinkedIn

  • A MUST JOIN NETWORK for any working professional or college student.
  • Considered a "professional network" rather than "social network".
  • Male dominated.
  • Age range of users btwn 35-44 followed by 45-54.
  • Average income around $50K-$100K.
  • It is free to have a membership but if you really want to get the most out of the site, upgrade to Business Plus ($49.99/mo).  You'll be able to connect w/a lot more people.
  • Great network to learn from established professionals and to grow your network.  
  • One of the better sites to find investors in a project.
3. Twitter

  • Fastest growing social networking site at the moment.
  • Male/Female ratio is about the same.
  • Age range of users are 35-44 followed by 25-34.
  • Average income $25K-$50K but slowly rising into the higher brackets.  
  • Great way to send out quick bursts of info to a massive amount of people (followers) that can be spread like wildfire with re-tweets. 
  • Business professionals are taking to Twitter, using it to find investments/investors and share ideas.
  • I'm a fan of twitter because of its simplicity.

I'll go more in-depth to other Social Networking sites that are available in my next post, but these are my TOP 3 choices for every person to have when they first start out.  Each offers its own pro/con aspects but if used all together can be a great tool for any person looking to grow their business, enhance their online reputation/presence, or just a good way to interact with the world around them. 

What are your favorite Social Networking sites and why??

Connect with me on all 3 sites!!  I'm always happy to find new people to connect with and share thoughts/ideas.
